Joseph M. Schwartz

Joseph M. Schwartz

Managing Partner

1300 Post Oak Boulevard
Suite 2400
Houston, Texas 77056-3012
(t) 713.623.4531
(f) 713.623.6143
Email Me

For over 50 years, Joseph M. “Pepe” Schwartz has practiced in the area of public finance and local government law, specifically representing municipal utility districts and other special districts, both as bond counsel and general counsel.

His extensive experience includes representing commercial residential real estate developers, both in the formation of special districts and in matters coming before districts. Pepe has been substantially involved in state legislative matters and rulemaking matters with state agencies that regulate special districts, including the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Since 1987, Pepe has served as Vice President of the Utility District Advisory Corporation, created to advance the interests of utility districts, and to develop a consensus on other public policy issues affecting utility districts.

Prior to the formation of Schwartz, Page & Harding in 1988, Pepe was a founding partner of its predecessor, Schwartz & Hickey, a firm which also focused on legal representation for municipal utility districts, special districts and related clients.

1973 – J.D., St. Mary’s University School of Law
1970 – B.B.A., Business and Finance, University of Texas at Austin

State Bar of Texas
Houston Bar Association
American Bar Association
National Association of Bond Lawyers

Schwartz, Page & Harding, L.L.P.
1300 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 2400
Houston, TX 77056

Please note that Schwartz, Page & Harding, L.L.P. cannot undertake the representation of any district, governmental entity, company or individual until we confirm that no conflicts of interest with existing clients will result.